Attendance: Tardies and Signing In/Out

Policy 1104

Tardies/Early Sign-Outs

Tardiness will be documented. In high school and postsecondary technical classes, a student will be marked tardy for any part of an hour in which he/she arrives more than five (5) minutes late for that class. A tardy is equivalent to 45 minutes of “contact time”. Three (3) tardies for students in a technical high school program will be counted as one (1) day of absence towards certification. Six (6) tardies for postsecondary students will be counted as one (1) day absent toward certification and program dismissal. Student sign-outs are to be treated the same as tardies.

Student Sign-in and Sign-out

Any student who arrives tardy to James Rumsey Technical Institute must sign in at the front office and receive an admission to class slip. Any student leaving early or leaving at their regular dismissal time and who is not riding county-provided transportation, is required to sign out at the front desk, and parent contact is required before the student may leave school grounds. Students who are on co-op or other work-based learning-related activities and are not scheduled to be in class during the regularly scheduled day, are required to sign in at the front office and report directly to their classroom instructor.