Simulated Workplace

What is Simulated Workplace?

The West Virginia Department of Education has implemented a new initiative “Simulated Workplaces”. This initiative will enhance the delivery and changes the culture of career and technical education (CTE).

Simulated Workplaces will be rolled out to all state approved CTE programs over a three year period, transforming traditional classrooms to emulate business structures, processes and expectations. Each program will be evaluated annually using a Balanced Scorecard, based on specified factors (student mastery of the content, completion of projects, student work ethics, attendance, quality and timeliness of work, and customer service).

West Virginia’s Career and Technical Education programs are transforming into real world workplaces. With the assistance of Business Partners, we are able to turn our classrooms and shops into real world Simulated Workplaces across the state.

The overall structure of the Simulated Workplace initiative will be governed by a set of protocols to assure consistency and quality in the local implementation of the concept. These protocols include the following requirements:

  • Utilize time clocks or some other form of formal attendance recording process.
  • Adhere to the county/schools Random Drug Testing Policy.
  • Randomly Drug Test a minimum of 40% of students.
  • Conduct an application/interview process for enrolling students.
  • Develop a company name and procedures / protocol manual.
  • Ensure all students receive quality safety training.
  • Submit Quarterly and Annual reports developed by students and instructor.
  • Establish work teams and an organizational system with students rotating across teams.
  • Ensure all instructors and students have computer access.
  • Institutional Education sites – Ensure at least all instructors have computer access
  • Participate in Business and Industry yearly onsite evaluations.
  • Utilize a portfolio system for students to document learning, credentials earned, projects completed, etc.
  • Celebrate end-of-the year accomplishments.


Career Tech Ed
Simulated Workplace