
The Coronavirus Aid Relief and Economic Security Act (Cares) Act

Emergency Funding for Students:

James Rumsey Technical Institute acknowledges having signed and returned the certification agreement form to the US Department of Education.  In compliance with Section 18004(a)(1) of the CARES Act, James Rumsey Technical Institute intends to use at least 50% of the funds in the form of emergency financial aid grants to students.

James Rumsey Technical Institute was notified that it will receive a total amount of $138,292 under the HEERF student portions. As of October 8, 2021, James Rumsey Technical Institute has distributed $138,292 of the student portion to students.

James Rumsey Technical Institute identified 164 students who were eligible to receive relieve funds under the HEERF CARES Act.  Students received funding based on their enrollment status.

All students at James Rumsey Technical Institute are enrolled as full-time students attending classes for 30 hours a week.  James Rumsey Technical Institute first awarded emergency grants to students who experienced the greatest disruption to their on-campus courses level.  Funding Awards began at a minimum of $843.

Institutional portion of the HEERF CARES Act funds have been used for purchasing equipment and technology to facilitate distance learning.

Notification of eligibility and checks are mailed via the U.S. Postal Service to the address on file.

Statement updated on July 10, 2023.

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