Craft Advisory Committee Guidelines

Programs of career and technical education must be an integral part of the community in which they exist and must reflect the day-to-day occupational life of the community. One of the most effective formal means of assuring that CTE programs are an integral part of the community is through the use of Craft Committees. Craft Committees composed of representatives of the community can provide a means of determining not only the needs for CTE programs, but the direction which programs should take. Advisory and Craft Committees can also provide a channel through which the education institutions can communicate their needs and abilities to the general public, organizations, business, and industry.


Employer Satisfaction Survey

Craft Committee Survey

Employer Verification Form


Role of the Career/Technical Instructor

Each CTE instructor shall serve as the school representative on the respective Craft Committee for their area of instruction. Their presence shall provide the liaison between the committee and the school.The responsibility of the instructor shall be:

  1.  To offer information to the members that relates to the objectives of career and technical education and the relationship of their program of instruction to those objectives.
  2. Serve the committee as its secretary.
  3. Serve as the interim chairperson until the committee is organized.
  4. Assist the chairperson in preparing the agenda for each meeting.
  5. Prepare the minutes of each meeting and distribute them to the members and the Director of James Rumsey Technical Institute.
  6. Assist the committee in the development of their plan of work.
  7. Be professional in their role as an instructor and liaison representative of the school.
  8. Keep the welfare of the school and the committee in perspective as the work of the committee progresses.

Role of the Craft Committee Member

Some of the areas in which the Craft Committees may provide advice and assistance are:

  1.  Recognizing new technical developments which require changes in the curriculum.
  2. Providing occupational information.
  3. Developing public information programs.
  4. Making community surveys.
  5. Securing training stations for cooperative education students.
  6. Determining and verifying need for training.
  7. Reviewing past accomplishments for the James  Rumsey Technical Institute and forecasting trends affecting training and employment.
  8. Planning facilities and establishing standards for classrooms and laboratories.
  9. Establishing standards for selecting equipment and instructional materials.
  10. Securing donations of equipment and supplies.
  11. Providing assistance in job placement of students.
  12. Assisting in the recruitment of instructors.
  13. Assisting in the promotion of passage of state and federal legislation for career/technical education.
  14. Developing criteria for evaluating CTE programs.
  15. Reviewing plans and procedures required for accreditation.

Length of Service

Craft Committee members shall be appointed for three years. Initial appointments shall be for staggered terms to provide continuity of experienced members on the committee. One member will be appointed to a one-year term. Two members will be appointed to a two–year term and two members will be appointed to a three–year term.

Committee Structure

The chairperson of the Craft Committee shall alternate between representatives of management and labor. Chairperson shall be for a period of one year with the chairperson designated by the membership.

The instructor shall assist the chairperson in preparing the agenda for each meeting and prepare the minutes, which shall be submitted to each member of the Craft Committee and the Director/Principal of James Rumsey Technical Institute.

The chairperson will be responsible for conducting the meeting.

Number of Members

The Craft Committee shall consist of five to seven members. Committees shall be limited to a maximum of seven members to maintain flexibility and effectiveness.

Selection of Members

For Craft Committees, the Director shall submit to the Administrative Council a list of prospective committee members. Instructors may make suggestions to the Director as to possible candidates for the Craft Committees. Final approval of membership to Craft Committees shall be made by the Administrative  Council.


Persons selected to the Advisory Committee or a Craft Committee should:

  1.  be respected in the business community;
  2. have had successful first-hand experience in technical education;
  3. have the time and be willing to contribute to   the effectiveness of the committee;
  4. be able to work with other members of the committee without undesirable conflict; and
  5. be of moral and ethical character, neither exploiting the committee nor students for their own benefit.


Meetings Frequency

The Craft Committees shall have a minimum of two meetings per year. Two regular planned meetings will be scheduled by the chairperson and secretary of each committee. Special meetings may be called at the request of committee members, the Director, or instructors as needed.

Time and Place of Meetings

Craft Committee meetings, unless otherwise notified, shall be held at the same location as the classroom or laboratory for each technical program. The secretary of each committee shall notify committee members as to the time and location of each meeting at least two weeks in advance.


The secretary and chairperson of each committee shall prepare and provide an agenda for each committee member at least one week prior to calling the meeting.
Items on the agenda may address programmatic issues as well as approval of various documents and procedures required by accrediting agencies.